The First Time Owner’s Guide to Gun Safety


    Increasing crime rates have made guns and other self-defense weapons a common feature in homes today. They have brought with them the need for improved gun safety measures. The presence of guns in homes increases the likelihood of homicide, gun injury and even suicide.

    In fact, due to a lack of knowledge on proper gun handling, the weapon’s owner or their loved ones are the ones most likely to be injured by it. However, when used correctly, guns can not only scare aware intruders but also save lives. The extent to which gun safety is practiced is what determines which of the two scenarios will take place. That is why it is crucial for gun owners to know and practice the correct safety techniques. We have prepared an extensive guide of safety procedures you need to follow to ensure that you and your loved ones remain safe.

    Gun Safety Measures You Need to know

    The First Time Owner’s Guide to Gun Safety

    Owning a gun is not as easy as it sounds, especially if you have children. There are safety measures to be exercised at every stage of the ownership process. We have outlined what you need to do at to ensure that your family reaps only the benefits of having a gun in your home.

    1. Before Purchase it

    Deciding to own a gun is a big decision that should be thought about very carefully. Here are some factors you need to consider:

    Is it absolutely necessary? Owing a gun is a risk that should only be taken if you are convinced that there is no better option.

    Are you sure you want one? Don’t buy a gun just because your neighbors are getting one. Could you actually fire it? Are you the type that freezes with fear in case of an emergency? Then a gun is not for you your assailant could easily take the gun and turn on you with it.

    Who do you live with? It is important that the people living with you are mentally and emotionally stable. If one of your housemates is an alcoholic, drug addict, abusive, insane or suicidal then the gun will probably be used against your family members instead of an assailant.

    Do you know how to use a gun? Once you have answered the above questions and have decided to still go ahead and buy a gun sign up for some gun shooting classes. You definitely don’t want to wing it with a firearm.

    2. During Purchase

    Spend some time at a shooting range trying out different types of guns to decide on the type that you are most comfortable with

    Ask someone with experience to help you choose the right one.

    Buy a gun YOU are comfortable handling and not just what is recommended. You may need to fire it quickly for self-defense so you need to be at ease when handling it.

    It is advisable to buy a new gun with a warranty to avoid defects.If buying a secondhand gun make sure that the source is reliable and reputable.

    Don’t buy a cheap gun you will always get your money’s worth! Start from around $400 going up.

    Always buy well known and respected brands

    Purchase common calibers guns to make it easier to get bullets and other parts. For example, 9mm, .357, 40 cal and 22 Lr are common calibers for handguns and you can find bullets for them in almost every gun store.

    3. Gun Safety Measures During Storage

    Most gun accidents that involve children occur due to poor storage procedures. Typically, children stumble upon them when playing and decide to explore them out of curiosity. You know what happens next…The sad part about this common narrative is that it is completely avoidable.

    Here are safety measures you need consider when storing firearms in your house:

    • Store the gun in a concealed area. Hidden cupboards and drawers are good examples since they do not arouse any suspicion. If possible, these areas should be far from your children’s reach.
    • The storage area should be easily accessible to adults in case of an emergency.
    • The storage area should always be locked.
    • The keys to the gun storage area should be kept separately from the rest of the house keys.

    Get a high-quality gun lock for your firearm and always keep it locked. There are two types of gun locks: trigger locks and cable locks. Take some time to research the two and choose what you prefer.

    Always keep the gun unloaded and if possible keep the bullets in a separate area as well. Always ensure that your gun is in good condition and is ready to use in case of an emergency.

    Inform your family about the gun in the house and educate them about gun safety. For adults it is advisable that they learn how to use the firearm as well as where and how to access it.

    For children on the other hand, it is important to teach them how they should react when they come across a gun. This should be to immediately stop what they are doing, leave the area and ask an adult for help.

    4. Safety Procedures for Using a Gun

    Remain as calm as possible when handling a gun. Rash movements could result in you pulling the trigger. Always keep the muzzle pointed towards a safe direction i.e. where there is no risk of shooting someone. Don’t rest your fingers on the trigger. Only touch the trigger when you are ready to shoot.

    Don’t aim your gun until you fully understand the situation and determine that there is an assailant capable of harming you.

    Never leave your gun unattended for any reason

    Always maintain a safe distance between you and the assailant. This prevents them from grabbing the gun from you. Do not handle the firearm if you are drunk or if you are under prescribed medication.

    Always remember to unload the gun when you finish using it

    If you follow these safety measures you will be able to avoid almost every gun related accident. Think of as many gun related accidents as you can and you will find a preventative measure for 95% of them here. Proper gun safety measures are what determine whether your gun is an asset or your family’s worst enemy. Follow the tips we’ve mentioned to make sure that it remains an asset!

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