All You Need To Know About Safe Gun Carrying


    Having firearm on streets and in public places is a great strength and, at the same time, a great responsibility. And those who use this right on the legal basis understand this perfectly.

    1. Always have your gun with you

    There is a fundamental difference between a criminal and a law-abiding citizen. A criminal takes the gun only when he plans to use it. He chooses where and when to do it, he searches for a victim and makes an attack. And he does not need to take special care of self-defense.

    Civilian, on the contrary, has no idea when and where he or she will be attacked. Therefore, you need to be ready all the time. And it’s not simple. You need to spend a lot of time adapting to a holster and to new clothes that make wearing gun easier. This can take several days or even up to several weeks. But as a result, weapons will become a part of you, invisible, but always ready to use.

    All You Need To Know About Safe Gun Carrying

    2. Carry Your Gun Only If You Are Ready to Use It

    It is ironic that majority of the pistols purchased for self-defense are never used for their intended purpose. If you try to analyze different episodes of hidden firearms use for self-defense, you will see that a criminal will prefer to flee or surrender rather than be shot in a collision.

    If you have a gun, be ready to use it for its intended purpose. And if you are not ready or hesitate, it will be noticeable by your behavior in a critical situation. And a criminal will try to either disarm you or start shooting first.

    3. Do Not Let Your Weapons Control You

    In 1970, Richard Davis, a man who legally owns a firearm, invented the so-called “Vest of the second chance.” It is a light bulletproof vest that policemen could wear unnoticed under the uniform all the time. And immediately there were people who started screaming that this would make policemen riskier and prone to radical actions. But fears were not justified. Such bulletproof vests, on the contrary, began to serve as a constant reminder of the possible risk, which made police officers more cautious.

    Same as a body armor of a policeman, a personal civilian pistol should serve as a constant reminder of the potential danger and about being cautious.

    4. Get a License

    Some people, erecting the ownership of personal weapon usually say: “No government can forbid me to own guns! I do not need their damn license! My rights are guaranteed by the second amendment!

    In general, it sounds as if someone is asking to go to prison. Whether you like it or not, local laws at least in 46 of the 50 states require you to have a license to carry a gun. And in two states it is generally forbidden to own firearms. Realize that not all things are as we like them to be.

    5. Know What You’re Doing

    You will not drive a car, not knowing the rules of the road? It’s all the same with rules of carrying a weapon and gun safety. It’s a myth that you can shoot anyone who tries to break into your house. When in Florida was decided to cancel the restriction on shooting to kill, if you are attacked in crowded areas in a broad daylight, an anti-arming lobby began an advertising campaign in which they tried to convince everyone that now people will be allowed to shoot anyone who looks like a suspicious person. This, of course, is complete nonsense, but many people believed it.

    To study the legal and practical aspects of shooting for self-defense is a personal responsibility of everyone who is going to practice it. There are many schools where this is taught, and at least one author’s institute, which is Lethal Force Institute, where they specialize in teaching the rules of gun safety and us.

    6. Make Your Gun a Part of Yourself

    The more you work with firearms, the faster and more accurate your reflex actions become in emergency situations and in the observance of safety precautions. If you have a Remington 870 at home, then when you go hunting or just practice shooting, give preference to guns of a similar design. If you are a professional shooter and use single-action USM pistols, then it is better to use guns based on exactly the same principle for concealed wearing.

    If you are going to use a firearm for self-defense, then be sure to visit the shooting ranges and practical courses. The resulting skill can easily be adapted to the hidden concealed guns used to protect someone’s life and health. Plus, note that not all cartridges cost the same. Although the skill of handling the .38 or .357 caliber is perfectly practiced on guns of .22 caliber. The more you train with similar guns, the easier it will be for you to deal with the weapons of concealed wearing.

    7. Carry Adequate Guns

    If you have a singly charged pistol of .22 caliber, then, according to the law, you are armed and very dangerous. Nevertheless, this thing will not help you against several armed aggressors. Therefore, most experts recommend at least a five-shot revolver, in terms of the possible number of shots, and at least a caliber of .38 in terms of effective stopping power.

    Spare ammunition is also a great idea. During the first shootout, many quickly discover that the cartridges have already run out, and the enemies are not. Firearms without spare ammunition are only short-term weapons. In addition, some problems with semi-automatic pistols require a complete replacement of the magazine. Some fear that because of the extra patrons they will look paranoid in the eyes of other people. But, the cops always have spare ammunition, so it will not hurt you either.

    A spare gun can also save lives. If your main one is damaged by the direct hit of the bullet, if it was knocked out of your hands and ready to be used against you, if the bullets run out, and there is no time and opportunity to recharge. As the writer, Phillip Engel drum said: “If you need to carry a gun, you need two of them.

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